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TEAM PLAY is an optional opportunity to play with a partner against leagues at other courses. It is in additional to regular Thursday league play. Team play features a two person, modified match format in competition with other women's leagues around the area - once or twice a month. We currently offer three different inter-league team opportunities: Suburban West B Team (handicap range 16 - 32, Mondays), Scenic B League (handicap range 17 - 32, Wednesdays) and Northern League (handicap range 0 - 31, Fridays). There is no additional charge, beyond regular greens fees to play on a team. 


Suburban West B League 2024 Schedule


May 13    Coal Creek @ Indian Tree

May 20    Coal Creek @ Applewood

Jun 11     Coal Creek @ West Woods

June 17   Common Ground @ Coal Creek

July 22    Coal Creek @ Willis Case

Aug 5     Homestead @ Coal Creek

Aug 19    Foothills @ Coal Creek

Sep 4     Fun Day Tournament @ HOMESTEAD



Caren Paul  303.579.6777 /

Wendy Saltarelli 303.817.5524 /


Northern League Team 2024 Schedule


May 31 @ Coal Creek vs Collindale

June 10 @ Coal Creek vs Mariana Butte

June 24 @ Indian Tree vs Indian tree

July 26  @ Collindale vs Hyland Hills

Aug 5   @ Mariana Butte vs Estes Park



Paige Rodriguez 303.859.7297 /

Michell Irving


Scenic B League 2024 Schedule


May 15   @ Coal Creek 

June 5   @ Riverdale

July 10   @ West Woods

Aug 20   @ Highland Hills

Sept 18  @ Broadlands

Sept 25  @ Todd Creek FUN DAY



Wendy Saltarelli 303.817.5524 /

Caren Paul  303.579.6777 /


NOTE - we are in TWO different B Leagues: our traditional Suburban B League and new this year, we have joined the Scenic B League. Scenic League format is also Match Play, but here are the differences between the two Leagues:

Suburban League:

1. Includes CC and Applewood, Common Ground, Foothills, Homestead, West Woods and Willis Case.

2. We play one other team each Match Day - either at Home or at the other Team’s Course.

3. Suburban League plays on Mondays (with a couple of Tuesday exceptions)

4. Qualifying Handicap Index range 16 - 32 (over 32 plays to 32)


Scenic League:

1. Includes CC and Riverdale, Todd Creek, Hyland HIlls, Broadlands and West Woods.

2. All teams play at the same course on Match Day.

3. Scenic League plays on Wednesdays.

4. Qualifying Handicap Index range 17 - 32 (over 32 plays to 32)

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